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Blockchain Security Books

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Blockchain Security | People often ask, "What is blockchain in security?"
"Is blockchain very secure?"
"How do I make blockchain secure?"
"What is one security risk on blockchain?" Below is a selection of books to answer your questions about Blockchain Security.

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Ultimate Blockchain Security Handbook: Advanced Cybersecurity Techniques and Strategies for Risk Management, Threat Modeling, Pen Testing, and Smart Contract Defense for Blockchain (English Edition)
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Mastering Blockchain: Inner workings of blockchain, from cryptography and decentralized identities, to DeFi, NFTs and Web3, 4th Edition
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Mastering Zero-knowledge Proofs: Practical study of security, scalability, and privacy in blockchain and modern systems (English Edition)
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Hands-On Blockchain for Python Developers - Second Edition: Empowering Python developers in the world of blockchain and smart contracts
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The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains: An Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and the Technology that Powers Them (Cryptography, Derivatives Investments, Futures Trading, Digital Assets, NFT)
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Blockchain in Telecommunications: Revolutionizing Connectivity, Security, and Efficiency (Advanced Telecommunications Engineering Series)
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Quantum Blockchain: A futuristic disruptive technology (English Edition)
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Blockchain in Action
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Investigating Cryptocurrencies: Understanding, Extracting, and Analyzing Blockchain Evidence
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Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps
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